Mabel House
Te përgjithshme
Jepet me qera garsoniere 40m2 ne uji te ftohte per plazhista dhe per afategjate e pershtateshme edhe per studente, me te gjitha kushtet e nevojshme, e pershtateshme edhe per student. Ambjenti ndodhet ne katin e 2 te nje ndertese 3kateshe, eshte ne gjendje shum te mire, ka 1 dhome gjumi , kuzhine , tualet,ballkon dhe parkim privatFor rent 40m2 studio apartment in cold water for beachgoers and for long term, suitable also for students, with all the necessary conditions, suitable also for students. The space is located on the 2nd floor of a 3-story building, is in very good condition, has 1 bedroom, kitchen, toilet, balcony and private parking